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jueves, 20 de setiembre de 2007

Se viene el Jungle Marathon 2007 (Brasil, 5 a 14 de oct)

Transcribimos desde el sitio oficial:

"Bem vindos à Maratona na Selva 2007!
Depois do grande sucesso da prova no seu terceiro ano, nós temos o prazer de dar as boas-vindas à terceiro edição da maratona na selva. Concorrentes de todos os lugares do globo irão batalhar para vencer os caminhos e trilhas da floresta amazônica brasileira, cobrindo um percurso de 100km ou de 200 Km divididos em 4 ou em 6 estágios durante 4 ou 7 dias.

Cada corredor terá que carregar seus próprios alimentos e equipamentos durante todo o percurso da maratona, no entanto garrafas de água mineral serão fornecidas pelos organizadores do evento. No fim de cada estágio, os corredores compartilharão de acampamentos pré-erigidos no estilo amazônico, com direito a rede no estilo militar.

Este ano nós contamos com um novo curso e uma equipe excelente de profissionais hábeis e capazes que nos ajudarão a fazer essa maratona acontecer. Sua segurança é nosso interesse principal, e por isso nós contratamos uma equipe nova de operadores de campo experientes que nos oferecerão os padrões mais elevados de integridade e profissionalismo.

Junte- se a nós de 5 a 14 de outubro de 2007 e faça parte desta grande aventura que vai ser a maratona na selva 2007."

Complementamos esta información con el resumen del libro publicado a inicios de 2006 por Rebekah Trittipoe, una participante de la prueba:

Under an Equatorial Sky

Rebekah Trittipoe

In most of our lives there exists a defining moment--a moment so significant that your life is forever changed. For me, that moment was September 13, 2003. I was anxiously watching my sons play in a Saturday morning soccer game. Never before had I felt such crushing pressure from an upcoming event. As my muddy boys left the field I felt overwhelmingly compelled to have a family photo taken. If something happened to me, I wanted them to have a picture of our family in happier times.

After the photo was snapped, I choked back the tears as I bid my husband and boys farewell. For fear of letting my inward sobs become obviously public, I looked neither to the left nor to the right as I walked with two of my closest friends to the car. We climbed in and started the long drive to Dulles International airport. My journey to the Amazon jungle of Brazil had begun.

Having a nine year history of running ultramarathons, running 30, 50 or even 100 miles in a day, though difficult and challenging, was not particularly daunting. But, to run 160 miles over six stages in unknown territory was quite a different story. Relentless heat and humidity, snakes, poisonous spiders, jungle cats of prey and swamps were not a part of my past experience. The dangers of this undertaking were real and the difficulty of the terrain was to prove unforgiving. Furthermore, the logistical difficulties of a self-sufficient race were mind-boggling.

From the moment I Ianded in Brazil, a floodgate of new experiences hit me from every side. The language, the people, the sights and sounds were all novel. From the pre-race shopping trip to the market to the day-long boat ride into the jungle, I stood amazed that I was at last embarking on my own personal adventure. Who would have ever thought that I, a mid-40’s soccer Mom, would fly into a different hemisphere to pursue some ill-defined quest? I had written books and articles about the high adventure of others but finally, this trip, this race, was my very own.

The six days of racing in the Brazilian Amazon jungle provided numerous opportunities for improvement: improvement in strategy, improvement in attitude, improvement physically, and improvement spiritually. The highs and lows experienced on a daily level were ever-changing and unpredictable. Unbreakable bonds were formed with fellow runners and race staff. And daily, the complexity of the ecosystem, the brilliant array of the starry equatorial sky and the cacophony of jungle sounds served as testaments to a marvelous creation.

When I went to the jungle I took with me a strong faith; a faith in Jesus Christ as my Savior and an intellectual knowledge of the all-sufficiency of God. It is without apology that I give witness to my beliefs. But as time most often proves, beliefs are tested and tried in times of uncertainty and hardship. Personal sickness and its debilitating weakness caused me to ponder the source of all strength. There were lessons to be learned as the oppressive stench of the rotting jungle and the difficulties of each new day rose along with the sun. I only prayed that my schooling in such matters would be passed with an acceptable grade.

The time in the jungle proved to be more than a race; it was an examination of life and priorities. It was a test of resolve and character. It was an experience of a lifetime not to be missed – and I would do it all over again!"

Cover Photograph - Copyright 2003 - Christiane Kappes of Kappes Adventure Press, Munich, Germany - Published - January 2006 by E-Book Time, LLC
Number of pages - 178

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